So beyond the point of storytelling... we have been so crazy busy this week. We have had to pretty much "build-up" our house. We were lucky enough in Germany to get our bedroom and living room furniture for free. They pretty much loan it to ya. So in the midst of trying to get unpacked.. and organized, we've had to go out and buy a new bedroom suit, and kitchen table since ours got messed up in the move, along with washer/dryer, and then a living room coffee table, and end tables (which we still have yet to buy). So as I said.. its been crazy!

But I am here to share with you our new washer n dryer.. along with a updated picture of the yard. I worked all day in the yard yesterday..which Im still not finished with.. but it looks ALOT better than it did. heehee...

my shrubs still need a gallon of miracle grow on them, because they are puny and need a growth spurt! ha! Well thats all Ive got today.. we should be totally settled in by this weekend. So I will have new pictures of the houses then. THE INSIDE of the house..the ones everyone's been waiting on.. haha. Hope everyone has a good Veteran's Day!
P.S. Sidenote... my birthday is November 20th, and I expect gifts from EACH of you that read this dang blog! ha! DONT FORGET!
♥ Laura