Well its been a while since Ive posted, so I thought I would before I head to bed. The past few weeks have been super super busy for me! Laurel finished up her trip over here yesterday... and man have I been whooped~! With in like 3 days.. we had.. I mean... I... had driven through 4 countries! It was fun though. We got to take the dogs.. and road trips are always fun. We went to so many places.. but for all that is keeping record.. we went to tons of places in Germany, and then to Amsterdam, Netherlands- Brussels, Belgium- Luxembourg- and thats all I can think of.. Oh crap.. and Dublin, Ireland! That was the best part... we were there for 48 hours, but gosh it felt like a week! I had like 8 hours of sleep in a total of 3 days... so as I said..we've all been goin goin goin.... I mean I had flippin blisters on my heel. How does that happen? Plus I twisted my ankle & felt like I cracked my knee-cap open in the midst of me trying to WALK!!!!! Dang cobblestone roads... jumped up and got me. LOL Its a funny story in itself.. i will have to say that much.. but my legs are sooooo bruised. HAHA...
So yesterday.. I took Laurel & my downstairs neighbor and her baby girl to the airport & had to drop Bouboule off at the Vet at the AFB so he could get his teeth cleaned and neutered. I was nodding the whole way.. I cant believe we made it there alive.. LOL I was chewing gum.. singing.. sitting up sitting back.. up, back up back.. and still was thinking.. shut left eye.. 5 seconds.... open....shut right eye 5 seconds...open. Before I knew it i was doing both at the same time.. but for like a milisecond.... that's how tired I was. Then drove the whole way home with the windows down.. it sucked basically. THen took me a 2 hr nap.. and had to go pick Bouboule back up .... poor puppy.. they PULLED 10 TEETH!!!!!! I felt so bad for him. I cant believe his previous owner never took him to do that.... ugh. Makes me mad. Soooo thats whats been going on. And Miss holly... my friend that is prego with twin boys (shes got 3 girls already) is like trying to go into labor.. so her man can come home from Iraq for the birth... Im like cross your legs... let me get like one good night of sleep.. then I'll be ready to go!!
Well its officially 3am.. im tired & headed to bed. I will post pics soon.. so Ill keep watch......
Its finally down to like 52 days I think? YAY!! Ive got about a week... then it will be June. *happy face*
Cant wait to see you all............ ♥ Laura
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
I've got the munchies...
So I find myself sitting here... midnight on sunday.. goofing off on the net, uploading some new pictures to an album.. (previous post-go check it out now)..and Ive bought some new juice at Ramstein's Commisary, 100% Vit. C... Anyhow... way YUM!....... www.veryfine.com And so, Ive been on this Goldfish kick... you know..the baked lil crackers.. with smiley faces on them? Yeah.. those. (http://www.pfgoldfish.com/default.aspx) Pepperidge Farm.. man..I mean Ive never wanted to go to Connecticut for any reason whatso ever.. but I swear.. if thats where this 'farm' is.. shoooot... I wanna go! I dont care what flavor of these things you buy... you sit them down in front of me.. especially when Im "surfing the net" I can totally eat a whole package. Thank god they are half way decent for ya. 5g Total fat, 1g Sat. fat, ZERO Trans, 1.5g polyunsat., 2.5 mono, 170mg sodium and like flippin 4g of protein! I KNOW... pretty good! haha.. and thats from the 30% less sodium cheddar crackers. I like the parmesan and the regular ones, but why buy those.. when u can get the lesser sodium!?? DUH! Any how.. funny blog... I just wanted everyone to know... you want me to do something for you, buy me Goldfishies... and again.. the crackers.. not the swimming kind.. Ill come home one day and have like 10 dead fish in plastic bags, that have been sittin out in the sun, on my porch with lil sticky notes on them...
Anywhos.. i love pepperidge farm goldfish! woot!

out suckas! ~LBsquared
Anywhos.. i love pepperidge farm goldfish! woot!

out suckas! ~LBsquared
Thursday, May 01, 2008
No Steady Internet
So here is the deal... we have like 75 days left! woohoo! But this week we have been having some problems with the ol internet connection. Booooo... as many of you know.. we bum internet, because it is super expensive, and we would have to renew our contract for another 2 yrs if we added internet. Super sucky. So inthe meantime bare with us.. well me mainly, with replying to emails... myspace messages, facebook... you know.. all those fun things I have. Toodles for now... L.
P.s. Proud to say that Booboule is doing dandy! He's no longer hopping along & has finally come out of his shell and is a lil spoiled brat! haha And the best part of it all.. is that Ive got him 95% potty trained! Yah.. 6 yrs old, and still went where ever he pleased! But him and Astro only tinkle when we have been gone for a couple hours... like they are mad, because we didn't take them! lol Quite the lil motive!~
P.s. Proud to say that Booboule is doing dandy! He's no longer hopping along & has finally come out of his shell and is a lil spoiled brat! haha And the best part of it all.. is that Ive got him 95% potty trained! Yah.. 6 yrs old, and still went where ever he pleased! But him and Astro only tinkle when we have been gone for a couple hours... like they are mad, because we didn't take them! lol Quite the lil motive!~
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