It was fabulous to be able to take a whole month home I will say.

Well after a weekend of sight seeing, partying, drinking, tattoos, and honky tonkin... roaming the streets of Downtown Nashville...we packed up my truck all over again, and headed out west. Texas bound!!
Well being the best hostess that I am, I tried to take Sonja to as many cool places that North Texas had to offer. We went to the Stockyards, the lake, swimming at my aunts house, shopping, Rangers vs. Astros baseball game,
backroading, country dancin at Billy Bob's Texas, the casino and I even wined her and dined her. I know it was some good "away from home" time for her, and believe me.. she was just as anxious to go back home. So after all of that fun, she flew out around the 23rd, and then I had a week to myself before Mike flew in on July 1.
Mike and I spent about a week visiting my family & friends. We got an awesome chance to see my brother in action {on the drums that is} for 2 weeks in a row. Him and a couple of HS buddies threw a small band together and got a chance to play a live show at Sarah's on the Square in downtown Gville. It was pretty sweet to see him play.
After all of the Gainesville fun, we were off to see his parents for a week. Our trip overall was fabulous, and for me it was more than words can describe. I needed it lets just say that.
So here we are now... a couple weeks back into the grind of things.... work for Mike, school & FRG work for me, in the midst of still trying to enjoy the last month of summer.
We hope to stay around here for the coming holidays.. but I will definitely let everyone know if anything changes, but for now, we are standing our ground in hopes that our parents come this way for once.
Anyhow.... well thats about all that I have for now... check out the slideshow above. Its the whole trip summed up in a slide show! ha!
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