Monday, March 31, 2008

New addition to the family...

Well first off.. Im totally not prego! ha! You guys thought you were really in for a treat with that title eah? haha! But I am happy to announce Astros adopted brother....BouBoule. He is a Shorkie! I bet your wondering what flip that is... well it's a Shitzu/Yorkie mix! He is totally cute! He was given to me by a friend of a friend, here in Germany. His owners had to get rid of him because his daddy was going to Iraq again here in a few weeks, and his mommy was going back to the states. So he had to find a new home.

He was also totally free! (Bonus!) Him and Astro are still trying to figure out who's stayin or who's goin... but they better just get use to each other, cause they are now our spoiled lil brats! haha. BouBoule is spoiled, but over the past few hrs, hes just been flat out depressed. His momma has had him since he was a lil pup (6wks old). She cried the whole time, but I told her I would definantly get her email addy and keep her posted with pictures and stories on how her baby was doing.
Here are BouBoule's stats!
  • Born In France on Nov. 23, 2001 So was my momma.
  • That makes me 6 years old. Astro will be 6 on Oct. 21st.
  • I am also 6lbs! I am fluffy.. but I swear Im totally skinny!
  • My name is BouBoule which means ball&ball in French. Because when I was a puppy my mom said I looked like 2 little balls, my head then my body. You say it like Boo-bowl for all you American's out there!
  • I love going bye-bye & going out for walks.
  • Im also a International doggie! Just like Astro! We've both got passports cause we are cool like that.
  • I also have a bed just like my new brother! I know... I couldn't believe it either!
So there ya go folks! That's all that I can think of to share about him. He's really sweet.. and cute. Him and Astro just need some more time to spend together and I'm sure by this weekend, they will be chasing after each other, playing. It's only been 7 hrs of them being together, and its already getting better. I gave him a trim.. ok haircut.. he so needed it. He had a few mats of hair, here and there, and he was so funny when I gave him a bath after that. Its like he felt soooo much better. He looks better, too. So it should be an interesting night. P.s. And just for the record..... I 've already fell in love with him. heehee -Laura

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Well Im not sure if any of you know, but it looks like I'm going to be in TEXAS from July-October. WOOT! I'm stoked... Ill probably try and sub-teach a lil bit while im home... for extra money.. but still plan on seeing all who makes the attempt to see me. If your not willing to drive or call, dont expect me to. Living here has really made me realize who my "real" friends are, no matter how much they work, or how busy their own lives are... they still email me, and even call me. Anyhow.. I'll vent about that some other time.. anywhos... just letting the ones who care know I'll be home for a while. Hope everyone has a good week!! -L

Our New Home

Well most of you know we are currently in Germany and finishing up our overseas tour here, but in the meantime over the past few weeks we've finally got orders to come back to the good ol' USA! Yay! Our new residence will be in N. Carolina. I can't really give out exact dates, so lets just say July time-frame. So over the next 4 months it's going to be crazy for us, so please bare with us on emails, packages, and all that jazz. There's soooo much we still want to do while we are over here, travel wise, and on top of that trying to get everything inventoried, so as I said... crazy! But I hope everyone that wants to still try and come over here, gets to. I'm super excited about Laurel S. coming here in May. Most of you GHS'ers know who she is, and its been almost 10 years since I've seen her. So this summer will be fabulous! Hopefully no more snow (we had about 10-12inches over the past 2 weeks)! Crazy Spring weather. Anywho, there is our latest! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! -L

*Hello Again*

Welcome to our new blog! Astro is very happy to see you guys again! I am still very sorry I had to delete the other site (, but I had some email issues. This one is way cooler-looking anyways! For anyone that did not get our new email address it's::
We both have way too many email accounts and most of them we don't even check, so again, DELETE button here we come. I think that's the latest news we've got to share. I'm going to re-post the "important" blogs on this page, so everyone will still be updated on our lives. We all 3 Love and Miss you all! Can't wait to be home this July! Toodles for now...... Laura