Well first off.. Im totally not prego! ha! You guys thought you were really in for a treat with that title eah? haha! But I am happy to announce Astros adopted brother....BouBoule. He is a Shorkie! I bet your wondering what flip that is... well it's a Shitzu/Yorkie mix! He is totally cute! He was given to me by a friend of a friend, here in Germany. His owners had to get rid of him because his daddy was going to Iraq again here in a few weeks, and his mommy was going back to the states. So he had to find
He was also totally free! (Bonus!) Him and Astro are still trying to figure out who's stayin or who's goin... but they better just get use to each other, cause they are now our spoiled lil brats! haha. BouBoule is spoiled, but over the past few hrs, hes just been flat out depressed. His momma has had him since he was a lil pup (6wks old). She cried the whole time, but I told her I would definantly get her email addy and keep her posted with pictures and stories on how her baby was doing.
Here are BouBoule's stats!
- Born In France on Nov. 23, 2001 So was my momma.
- That makes me 6 years old. Astro will be 6 on Oct. 21st.
- I am also 6lbs! I am fluffy.. but I swear Im totally skinny!
- My name is BouBoule which means ball&ball in French. Because when I was a puppy my mom said I looked like 2 little balls, my head then my body. You say it like Boo-bowl for all you American's out there!
- I love going bye-bye & going out for walks.
- Im also a International doggie! Just like Astro! We've both got passports cause we are cool like that.
- I also have a bed just like my new brother! I know... I couldn't believe it either!