I dont know how they do it..(must have been the beer I gave them to drink!!) cause they showed up at 930am, and were outta here by about 5pm & somehow managed to squish it all in one truck. And when I say "they".. for the first few hours it was just 2 guys.. Im like uhmm are you sure its all going to fit.. it was a tight squeeze.. but they got it in there. Soooo lets just hope that nothing breaks. But around noon another guy showed up and he did the big stuff like the couches, table & chairs, etc. I was in awe at how fast these guys work!
Anywhos... well we have today to finish up our cleaning. I painted last nite, which was let me tell ya... B-O-R-I-N-G!!!! Mike had duty so I along with 2 puppies that slept the whole time and did not help..but it went over swell. I had to paint my purdy red wall. I swear.. Germans like the most neutral colors. It was either white, off-white, or mustard for me to pick out. In the meantime, I also had a lil fun with it, compliments of Kimbo, so here is what I did....
Go me!!!
Well I guess that wraps up this week. Tomorrow we head to the Hotel on post. HOORAY!!!! (that seems to be my favorite word these days.. I guess because, Texas or home, or leaving, always follows it! haha
HOpe everyone has a good week!
On a good note... Im pretty sure I will be able to get online at the hotel I believe they have wireless... so I will keep you guys posted... till then... Im off to take a nap. Laura is going on 4 hours of sleep.. BUT I did get the puppies their health certificates (which I totally forgot to do!!!) YIKES!
Over and Out~
WOO-HOO! When your jet-lagged ass gets caught up, we're hanging out!
Let me know how the nothing is broke thing goes. Especially with that stuff getting shipped from overseas. I think they did good with mine from Iceland to SD. However, they did manage to break four dvds and 10 cds. They also broke two picture frames, some glasses and a bowl and a candle holder display thingy. I just ate the bill. HHG Claims sucks. But on the bright side, no one stole anything.
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