ok, so since we have moved into this awesome 3-bedroom house, Ive managed to finally create an office/scrapbook room! Im so stoked! While I was in Germany, I took up scrapbooking, and I LOVE IT. I consider myself a pretty... ok for the love of God... what is the dang alliteration catch phrase.. that is like silly sally.. and then there is fertile myrtle.. ugh.. Its something like that but its for being crafty... I have stopped in the middle of this dang blog to flippin ask everyone that is still up.. what is the phrase I am thinking of. JEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! anyhow... So I consider myself crafty.. we will keep it at that for now, and anyhow, Ive been itchin to have my own space. Since our claim was finalized last week, from some of our household items being damaged when we moved from Germany to the US,

I got to set-up our Study. Our old kitchen table which is the best table ever for scrapbooking, cause you can spread out. We got it at Ikea...with the leaf in it, it will sit 10 people, yeah.. its pretty awesome. And a lil incite on scrapbooking these days... there is a LOT of small add-ons, trinkets, buttons, glitter and whatnot, that MUST stay organized with my OCD ass.. so I found a lil inspiration... and here she is....

I cant wait!! Ive managed to find those lil drawers in that picture. All it is, is like a hardware organizer, that you would put nails, and screws and washers and all that in. Im just doing my research on trying to find the dang things in black. Right now Lowes, Target, H.Depot, Walmart, all have them in gray. Not going to match anything.. hello! I want black ones! So Im heading to Sears this week, to check them out. But anywhos.. I was telling my mom about this room, so I had to post.
Well Im off to walk the puppies..
"Get organized in 09-lazies!"
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