Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I am totally not the girly type... THATS for sure! But Desperate times.. call for desperate measures. Im in need of a dress for our ball coming up in a week! hahahaha.. procrastination.. yes please. For all of you that know me, I dang sure hate shoping at this point in my life.. for tons of reasons, but mainly beacause I consider myself a lard-a** and hate hate hate facing the nasty number on the pair of jeans I try on, or in this case, a dress. YACK! So this week I will be on the hunt again.. for another ball gown for our upcoming Chemical Ball. WATCH OUT! Pictures to post soon! At least the event will be fun, and have an open bar. Definitely one way to make the fat sorrows go away.. DRINK!

Signing off this Rainy Tuesday...
Main Bia


Ike's Blog...Expect Randomness! said...

Drink 5 for this lard a--

lisavestal said...

Hope you got a dress! i want to see pics!

I'm enjoying my new music on here! Let's get the girls together when you're home for a night out. We'll catch a good concert or something.