Monday, December 29, 2008
My aunt sent this to me in my email.. Funny.
The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the US Capital this Christmas season. This isn't for any religious reason, they simply have not been able to find three Wise Men in Washington, D.C., nor could they find a virgin.
P.S. There was no problem, however, locating enough asses to fill the
Thursday, December 25, 2008
"I wonder what that lil blue-eyed Ralphie looks like today?" So of course.. I googled him. His name is Peter Billingsly.
And come to find out.. hes not that bad lookin other than some super bushy eyebrows! lol Well His google images show him in that movie "The Break-up" with Jennifer Aniston, and Vince Vaughn. Remember the bowling scene, where Vince is having to quit the couples bowling team, and that other guy is telling him he needs to give his jersey back, and then Vince tells him he wants his wrist guard back. Wellllllll... THAT GUY is RALPHIE!! lol here is a picture.
Anywho.. that was my fantastic finding today.... thought Id share. ;)
Hope everyone got lots of presents from Santa today!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Xmas or not?

But on to my point for this blog entry.. for all of my Christians, or religious friends out there.. I dont think you see the word in full. Christmas.. definition by Wikipedia- "Is an annual Christian holiday celebrated on December 25 or January 7 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth."
And I know mostly everyone knows that... and no matter your religious belief, which maybe prevents you from choosing to say CHRISTmas... there is no excuse to use Xmas as a way to say Merry Christmas.
Think about it... someone once told me, and gosh it was a long time ago.. when I was a kid, but for the life of me I cannot remember who told me this.. but.. they said.. "You should never write Xmas... that word is showing that you 'X' out the word Christ." Now how true and goofy that may seem... it has always stuck with me. So growing up.. I saw "Xmas" used everywhere.. and always wondered, "ok so does this person not believe in the birth of Christ? or do they just have no idea what they wrote with that can of fake snow on their window?"--I KNOW YOU GUYS KNOW what Im talking about.. lol
So from here on out.. all of you that DO read my blog.. no more of this Xmas crap. I know I do not lead the best Christian-like life out there but I do respect the religion I believe in, and all that goes along with it.
And on a side note--- I love and Miss you all... and hope to post some holiday pictures soon. Hope everyone is safe this holiday, and enjoys their winter-like weather.. it was 75degrees today, oh and its 11pm, and its 67 out still. CRAZY GROUNDHOG!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Mo' Money!
Looks like there is going to be a
2009 3.9% Enlisted Pay Increase!
Like sleeve of a Wizard....
Again.. not sure if its the ridiculous insults this guy comes up with, or the off-the-wall life he claims to live. So you guys have to watch this video.. I had never seen this one before until tonite. Pay attention to the part were he starts to talk about his new wife, and her voice changing, etc...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
300 vs. 620
Well we all know the more thread count the more its going to cost ya. So I thought... lets try walmart.. just to see and besides the cheepies.. they do have a few name brands that aren't too shabby. Well I bought some 350 TC sheets by Canopy. Took them home, washed them with a ton of fabric softener, and WOW... those suckers were soft! Im talking the bed was nice and cold, when you got in.. --I love that by the way, and the pillowcase was perfect. Not itchy at all. I think they were like $69.

So then it was my birthday.. and my lovely daddy-o sent me a giftcard for the triple B, (bedbath&beyond)--for all that dont know THAT is what that crappy place is called. HA! Anyways.. I can say that.. I worked there.. it was the crappiest place Ive ever worked at. Again, just for the record. So I went out and bought those expensive a** sheets they sale for $100. 650 TC, I thought to myself, "MAN! These are probably super soft.. If Ive got 300TC from Walmart, THESEEEEEE.. must be like sleepin on clouds."
TOTALLY wrong!
These dang things... are itchy as crap! I washed them twice, and loaded them with fabric softener, and they are still rough.

I mean I would be here all day plotting my case on these dang things, but seriously... DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!! lol Go to Walmart! And the part that hacks me the most is that I could have bought 2 pair of the ones at Walmart for like $20 more, and be sleeping in bliss. The only thing those ones from the Triple B have over the Canopy's is the lovely pinstripes on them.
ANYWAYS... my happy words of wisdom blog entry for all of you to learn from. Thats what Im here for kids. Lesson learned.
Dont by expensive 600 thread count sheets when they claim to be soft.. they are LIARS! LOL
signing off for the evening.. hehe