What a combo.. I know! Let me explain. Well Mikey got me some lovely flowers for Valentines-daisies-my fav, although we had already exchanged gifts.. but what girl doesn't like flowers?

Ok I guess one that's allergic to them-HA! Luckily thats not me. Anyhow.. prior to that weekend.. I took Astro to the vet to get his teeth cleaned. Its been about 2 years since he last got them cleaned. Well.. after his barrel roll off the deck stairs 1 day before-story in itself! ha!- and knocking out 2 of his front teeth. I thought to myself.. aahh POOR BABY,.........humm well at least he saved me a good $20 at the vet. Anyhow, I knew he would need a few teeth pulled that were about to fall out anyways. So they called me after surgery to let me know everything went well, and that he was fine. The nurse also told me they had to pull 4.

I felt so bad...but then when I went to pick him up a few hours later.. they brought out this Ziplock bag with a total of 8 teeth in there!! I was like "whoaaaaa... wait a minute..I thought yall only pulled 4?" They said.. oh we did..but 4 also just fell out! Then I felt even more bad about taking him! Poor pup had 10 teeth extracted over the course of 24 hours! He was on Antibiotics, and pain meds for a good week! In the end..I pondered dang does he have any teeth left!? haha Well here is the picture to prove that officially all of his front upper teeth are GONE!
*Sidenote- Yorkies have some of the worst teeth!
Just makes me realize hes getting old. =( Hes ONLY 6!!
**Sidenote2- Bouboule thinks hes a parrot!
awww poor little Astro. is he going to be able to eat?
yeah he was on soft food for over a wk. hes good though... back to eating his lamb & rice
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