So after disc one, I had to keep watching. haha! I had told Mike, "oh Ive got to see what happens next, babe, I swear I'll be in bed before midnight. Im just going to watch a few more episodes!" *smiling face* Ok not so true... after disc 2 was complete.. 5 episodes later..3:30am at that point mind you.. I was like ok.. Im a freakin addict! And a loser. haha! ok not really... But I was officially "into" this show. Well... it is super cool. And for all of you NON-Military folks out there.. thats like ALL of my family.. you need to watch this show. Its on Lifetime on Sundays. Not sure on the times for everyone, but they are on season 2 already and after tonite on episode 5. SO CHECK IT OUT! I love it, so you should too. Its super cool!

Its got an awesome cast too by the way... Mikes all-time flavor is in it, Catherine Bell. And Im not quite sure whats hot about that woman, but he loves the whole "JAG" phase she played in. Anyhow... Im officially going to bed now.
We've got German customs coming out here in the morning to check out all of our illegals... not really, just coming to tell us all the crap we CAN'T send with our household goods. Plants, candles(which Im still mad about--cause Im a candle horde!), the grill, liquids.. you know all that flammable crap.
Well hope ya like my Sunday rant... Hope everyone has a good week ahead, and be thankful for the day you have right in front of you.
The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. ~Bertrand Russell
that's too funny cuz they were interviewing a few of the ladies from that show last week on The View and I was gonna ask you if you've watched it. Apparently, now you do. AND, I hear the next season is supposed to be even better.
um...I am keeping my mouth shut, because I am on season 2 in the states. Just got done watching it. I like all the people in it, except the whinny blond. She whines too much. However, there is always someone like that in the group. But I always have the mindset...take her out.
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