Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Whale of a SNAIL!

So today I was out walking the doggies, after a long rain all morning, and I noticed something shiny on the grass. The closer I got I said to myself.. "HOLY CRAP!!! that's a huge snail!!" I mean Ive seen micro-machine sized snails, but nothing ever this big! So I took the dogs back inside, and was like how retarded would I look going back outside to take a picture of what looked like the grass..haha.. well I did it anyways! Pj's and all! If you know me... yah.. I really didnt care, but thought man I should post this on my blog... haha... well here she is folks... the shell was about as big as a golf ball... gynormeous!


ashley said...

what the heck?!? And they say we have big bugs in Texas!!

Ike's Blog...Expect Randomness! said...

It'd been cooler if you had picked it up and kissed it while you took your own picture.