My good friend here in Germany, Holly, finally had her twin baby boys Friday, May 30th at 6:35am! Turner 7.1lbs and Taylor6.14lbs were ready to come a lil early by a month, Im talking foot hanging out and poor Holly didnt even know it!

She was in so much pain I think at the time, it was all a big blur. They had to preform a emergency C-section, and she lost a lot of blood, but after a few days in the Hospital all 3 of them seemed to be turning for the better. Its been a big ordeal for her and her family with 3 girls already, but always an adventure, only x5 now. I love her dearly and keep her family and husband in your thoughts,

he is in Iraq, and missed the whole birth of his first and only sons. I've definantly had my dose of mommy-hood for the past 4 days. I dont know how you ladies do it.. but I guess one day I will experience that all on my own, not anytime soon I tell ya that! haha Anyhow, hope everyone had a good Memorial weekend, and are enjoying that hot TEXAS weather!! Gaw I am totally not looking forward to that crap!! 78 has been like a scorch to me~! lol
♥ LB

so HANDSOME, they are! I bet she's glad to even the scale a little bit with a couple of boys!
uh, ya, no life here...believe THAT! it cracks me up that people read & don't have ANYTHING to say...my own parents read & look at pics & don't say anything!
Yea eat up that non humidity weather there in Europe. This crap stinks. I've forgotten about it.
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